Cang Er San


 ‘Xanthium Powder’
Source: Formulas to Aid the Living (Ji Sheng Fang, 1253)

sinus congestion, sinusitis, allergic and perennial rhinitis

Xanthium sibiricum (Cang Er Zi, xanthium)
Magnolia liliflora (Xin Yi Hua, magnolia flower)
Angelica dahurica (Bai Zhi, angelica)
Mentha arvensis (
Bo He, mint)

Major therapeutic action
Clears infections, reduces swelling and stops pain.

Biomedical action
Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, opens the nose and sinuses.
o  Acute and chronic sinusitis and rhinitis. Particularly good for chronic and stubborn sinus congestion.
o  Allergic rhinitis, hay fever, perennial rhinitis.

Key symptoms for use
o  nasal congestion, infection and inflammation with thick yellow or green phlegm; or chronic congestion with little discharge; or throat irritation from post nasal drip
o  frontal headache
o  normal or yellow tongue coat
o  rapid pulse

o  For chronic sinus congestion that is worse with stress, combine with Xiao Yao San and Shan Zhi Zi & Mu Dan Pi.
o  With perennial rhinitis, combine with Yu Ping Feng San.
o  For acute sinusitis, combine with Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin.
o  With severe sinus blockage and copious mucus, add Cang Zhu/Zao Jiao Ci/Bai Zhi.
o  With severe headache, add Chuan Xiong.

The typical dose is three grams twice daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment (the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
This formula is quite drying and may dry out the nasal mucous membranes excessively in some patients.
May occasionally cause headache or nausea.
Contraindicated in patients with sinus congestion associated in patients with symptoms of malar flush, afternoon fevers, feeling of heat in the palms and soles of the feet, night swears, and a red, dry tongue.