Ku Shen/Bai Xian Pi


Sophora flavescentis & Dictamnus dasycarpus



Ku Shen

bitter, cold Clears Heat and fluid accumulation, 
expels infections, stops itch
Bai Xian Pi bitter, sour, cool Clears Heat, expels infections, 
dries fluid accumulation, stops itch

*  Itchy skin diseases, suppurative skin disorders.
*  Eczema, urticaria, psoriasis.
*  Dysenteric disorder with a feeling of heat and mucus.

Combined action
Clears infections from the skin with heat and fluid accumulation.

*  With Long Dan Xie Gan Tang for genital eczema, itching, sores or discharge.
*  With Huang Lian Jie Du Tang for acute dysenteric disorders. With cramping abdominal pain, add Gan Cao/Bai Shao.
*  With Si Wu Tang and Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Wen Qing Yin) for chronic itchy skin diseases.
The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.

Cautions and contraindications
Caution in patients with digestive problems.
Avoid shellfish, crustaceans, oranges, mangoes and heating foods such as coffee and alcohol while undergoing treatment.
None noted.
