Qing Wei San


 â€˜Formula to Clear Stomach-Heat’
Source: Secret Collecting in the Orchid House (Lan Shi Mi Cang, 1276)

stomatitis, pericoronitis and trigeminal neuralgia

Coptis chinensis (Huang Lian, coptis)
angelica sinensis (Dang Gui, Chinese angelica)
Rehmannia glutinosa (Sheng Di, raw rehmannia)
Paeonia suffruticosa (Dan Pi, moutan)
Cimicifuga foetida (Sheng Ma, cimicifuga)

Major therapeutic action
Clears the Stomach, cools Blood.

Biomedical action
antibacterial, antifebrile.

*  Upward attacking of Fire due to accumulated Heat in the Stomach.
*  With the appropriate key symptoms, this formula can be used to treat biomedical conditions such as stomatitis, pericoronitis and trigeminal neuralgia.

Key symptoms for use
*  toothache referring to the head
*  hot feelings in the cheeks
*  pain relieved with cold and aggravated by heat
*  swelling or ulcerated gums
*  bleeding gums
*  bad breath
*  dry mouth and tongue
*  red tongue with yellow fur
*  rapid pulse

*  With fever, add Sheng Di/Shi Gao.
*  With constipation, add Da Huang.
The typical dose is three grams twice daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment (the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
None noted.