Yin Chen Hao Tang


 â€˜artemesia capillaris Decoction’
Source: Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold (Shang Han Lun, 200)


artemesia capillaris (Yin Chen, capillaris)
Gardenia jasminoides (Shan Zhi Zi, gardenia)
Rheum palmatum (Da Huang, rhubarb)

Major therapeutic action
Clears infection and obstruction from the Liver and Gallbladder, alleviates jaundice.

Biomedical action
Cholagogue, choleretic, diuretic, laxative.

*  Jaundice. This is the main formula for jaundice where heat is predominant.
*  Gallbladder diseases, with congestion, gallbladder sludge, fat intolerance, hypochondriac aching, gallstones.
*  With the appropriate key symptoms this formula can be used to treat disorders such as acute hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, gallstones, liver cirrhosis and hepatic necrosis.

Key symptoms for use
*  yellow discolouration of the sclera, mucous membranes and in severe cases, skin
*  greasy yellow tongue coat
*  rapid pulse

*  For acute hepatitis, combine with Long Dan Xie Gan Tang.
*  For jaundice coupled with feelings of coldness, add Gan Jiang & Rou Gui.
*  With predominant obstruction and feelings of heaviness of head and body, anorexia, and a feeling of congestion in the hypochondrium, and possibly oedema combine with Wu Ling San.
*  With hypochondriac pain, add Jin Ling Zi San.
*  For gallstones, add Jin Qian Cao/Ji Nei Jin/Hai Jin Sha.
*  With nausea, add Chen Pi & Ban Xia.
*  For chronic cholecystitis, combine with Xiao Chai Hu Tang.
The typical dose is five grams twice daily, before meals. In severe or acute cases, a 50-100% increase in dose may be used. In general, this formula should not be used longer than a few weeks and is reduced once the bowels open regularly.

Cautions and contraindications
Be careful to discriminate between true jaundice, and deficiency patterns that can sometimes resemble jaundice with feelings of coldness. In the deficiency pattern the skin appears a sallow or pale yellow colour, however the sclera are not yellow and the urine is pale.
Contraindicated unmodified in jaundice with feelings of coldness and during pregnancy.