Jin Qian Cao/Ji Nei Jin/Hai Jin Sha


Lysimachia christina, Gallus domesticus, Lygodium japonicum



Jin Qian Cao

sweet, bland, cool clears Heat, induces diuresis, treats tstranguria, eliminates Damp, allays jaundice, removes Toxin

Ji Nei Jin

bitter, cold drains Damp-Heat from the lower body, cools deficiency Heat

Hai Jin Sha

sweet, neutral promotes digestion, resolves food stagnation, astringes Essence, reduces urination, dissolves hardness and resolves stones

Major therapeutic action
Promotes urination, clears Heat and dissolves calculi.

Key symptoms for use
*  pain, swelling or discomfort associated with calculi or stones.

*  an important combination for various types of calculi, including urinary calculi, kidney stones, gallstones and sialoliths.

The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice times daily. Usually needs prolonged use (at least several months) to be effective.
*  With Ba Zheng San for renal or urinary calculi causing painful urination.
*  With Xiao Chai Hu Tang and Da Huang for gallstones. add Yin Chen Hao Tang if there is jaundice.
*  With Zeng Ye Tang for sialoliths.
Cautions and contraindications
None noted
None noted