Du Huo/Qiang Huo


angelica pubescens & Notopterygium incisum



Du Huo

acrid, bitter, slightly warm removes Wind-Heat, Damp, disperses Cold and relieves the Exterior

Qiang Huo

acrid, bitter, warm expels Wind, relieves the Exterior, removes Wind-Damp, alleviates pain, relieves convulsion and spasm

Major therapeutic action
Expels Wind, removes Damp, dredges collaterals, alleviates pain.

The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.

*  Wind-Cold-Damp bi, unfixed pain over the body, spasm and pain of the nape and back.

Cautions and contraindications
Qiang Huo is not suitable for headache caused by hyperactivity of Fire due to yin deficiency.
None noted.

*  Can be added to Gui Zhi Tang for exterior Cold with body aches.