Fang Ji/Huang Qi


Stephania tetrandra & astragalus membranaceous



Fang Ji

bitter, acrid, cold expels and removes Wind-Damp, induces diuresis, dissolves swelling

Huang Qi

sweet, slightly warm nourishes the Centre, invigorates qi, elevates yang, strengthens the Superior, expels Toxin to promote wound healing, induces diuresis, relieves swelling

Major therapeutic action
Invigorates qi, induces diuresis.

The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.

*  Wind-Damp, Wind-Water: heaviness of the body, sweating, aversion to wind, and difficult urination.
*  Bi syndrome of Damp type, heavy and numb body.

Cautions and contraindications
Caution in patients with qi stagnation, Damp obstruction, food stagnation, stuffy chest, Heat-Toxic carbuncles and ulcers, and hyperactivity of Fire due to yin deficiency while prescribing Huang Qi.
None noted.

*  To relieve Wind-Water or Wind-Damp, add Bai Zhu/Fu Ling.
*  Can be added to Wu Ling San for difficult urination.