Liu Wei Di Huang Wan


 ‘Rehmannia Pills with Six Ingredients’
Source: Craft of Medicinal Treatment for Childhood Disease (Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue, 1119)

generalised kidney weakness and kidney disease.

Rehmannia glutinosa (Shu Di, processed rehmannia)
Cornus officinalis (Shan Zhu Yu, cornus)
Dioscorea opposita (Shan Yao, dioscorea)
Poria cocos (Fu Ling, hoelen
Alisma orientalis (Ze Xie, alisma)
Paeonia suffruticosa (Mu Dan Pi, moutan)

Major therapeutic action
Aids conditions with the following symptoms: sallow complexion, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, malar flush, dizziness, dry eyes, irritability, tinnitus, dry throat, night sweats, a feeling of heat in palms and soles, dry stools, red and cracked tongue with no coat, and a weak pulse.

Biomedical action
Demulcent febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, improves renal function and fluid metabolism, bi-directional hormone regulation.

*  This is the basic formula, from which almost all other kidney tonic formulas are built. It is used for a wide variety of problems associated with the above symptoms, in both adults and children.
*  As a general support in the elderly or those in a depleting occupation—shift workers, restaurant staff, mothers, people on their feet a lot.
*  Chronic disorders of the kidneys—chronic nephritis, glomerulonephritis, recurrent cystitis, polycystic kidneys, various urinary disturbances.
*  Can regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes (xiao ke bing).
*  As support for people taking corticosteroids.
*  Menopausal problems, especially those associated with too much heat and/or dryness. In particular, sore dry or irritated eyes, vaginal dryness or irritation, chronic vaginitis, recurrent cystitis, and dry skin.
*  With the appropriate key symptoms, this formula can be used to treat other biomedical conditions such as hypertension, anovulation, amenorrhoea, delayed development in children, hyperthyroidism, arteriosclerosis, impotence, diabetes mellitus, optic neuritis and optic nerve atrophy.

Key symptoms for use
*  generalised weakness signs and symptoms - weak or sore lower back and legs, dizziness, hot hands and feet, calf cramps, loss of hearing, tinnitus
*  red tongue with little or no coat
*  thready, rapid pulse

*  With severe heat, flushing, add Zhi Mu & Huang Bo (Zhi Bo Ba Wei Wan)
*  With night sweats, add Mu Li/Fu Xiao Mai/Ma Huang Gen
*  For chronic dry cough, combine with Sheng Mai San (Mai Wei Di Huang Wan)
*  With weak eyes, visual weakness, add Ju Hua & Gou Qi Zi (Qi Ju Di Huang Wan)
*  For low sperm count and poor motility, combine with Shou Tai Wan and Xian Ling Pi & Xian Mao
The typical dose is three grams twice daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment (the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
Caution in those with a tendency to abdominal bloating and loose stools. This is a cooling formula and overuse can weaken the digestion.
Contraindicated during the early phase of acute illness such as colds and flu.

Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan:  A similar pattern with a predominant emotional or neurotic component. Best when anxiety, phobias, palpitations and sleep disturbances or chronic mouth ulcers are the presenting problem.