Cang Zhu/Zao Jiao Ci/Bai Zhi


Atractylodes lancea, Gleditsia sinensis & Angelica dahurica


Cang Zhu

acrid, bitter, warm dries Dampness, strengthens the Spleen, disperses 
Wind-Damp, relieves the Exterior, brightens the eyes

Zao Jiao Ci

acrid, warm relieves swelling, discharges pus, disperses Wind, kills worms

Bai Zhi

acrid, warm disperses Wind, relieves the Exterior, alleviates pain,  opens the Nose,  relieves swelling, discharges pus, dries Damp, stops leucorrhoea, treats snake venom

Major therapeutic action
Dries oedema and Phlegm, promotes penetration of herbs into ‘sealed off’ or difficult to access areas of the body, aids in discharge of pus.

The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.

Phlegm and mucus congestion in the nasal sinuses and ears. Also used for nodules, and to aid the discharge of pus from unruptured abscesses, boils and sores.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
Contraindicated during pregnancy.

For chronic glue ear in children, combine with Si Jun Zi Tang.
For severe chronic congestion in the sinuses, with Cang Er San.
With Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin for the early stage of infective boils and sores.