Yang Wei Ke Li


 â€˜Nourish the Stomach’
Source: Experiential formula

Liver and Spleen disharmony, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic gastritis, chronic digestive weakness.

Codonopsis pilosula (Dang Shen, codonopsis)
Astragalus membranaceous (Huang Qi, astragalus)
Paeonia alba (Bai Shao, white peony)
Dioscorea opposita (Shan Yao, dioscorea)
Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu, cyperus)
Citrus reticulata (Chen Pi, citrus peel)

Major therapeutic action
Aids the digestion, benefits energy, increases circulation of energy.

Biomedical action
Enhances and regulates digestive function, anti-spasmodic, increases secretion from the gastric mucosa.

o  Chronic patterns of digestive complaints coupled with stress and emotional upset affecting the stomach and upper gastrointestinal system. This is a gentle formula suitable for prolonged use. If taken over a lengthy period of time, this formula can encourage proliferation of the atrophic gastric mucosa.
o  Providing the appropriate key symptoms are present, this formula can be used to treat chronic gastritis, chronic atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease (gastric and duodenal ulcers), and functional disorders of
the stomach, hiatus hernia, and dyspepsia.

Key symptoms for use
o  pale tongue, may have little or no coat or be cracked in the centre
o  easy epigastric bloating, dull epigastric pain
o  acid reflux, heartburn
o  belching, flatulence
o  loss of appetite, morning nausea, waking around 2 am feeling a gnawing sense of hunger
o  may have a weak pulse

o  With severe bloating, add Zhi Shi & Jie Geng.
o  With nausea, add Chen Pi & Ban Xia.
o  With severe stress or emotional components, add Chai Hu & Bai Shao.
o  With heartburn, add Huang Lian & Wu Zhu Yu.
o  With epigastric pain, add Jin Ling Zi San.
o  With tiredness, pale face, dry hair, insomnia, scanty menses or amenorrhoea, add Dang Gui & Huang Qi.
o  With a fixed stabbing pain or menstruation with dark blood or clots, add Dan Shen.
The typical dose is three grams 2-3 times daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment
(the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
None noted.