Sha Ren - Amomum villosum

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 Pin Yin
Sha Ren
Fructus Amomi
 Introduction Back to Top
Fructus Amomi is the dried ripe fruit of Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen or Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu (Fam. Zingiberaceae). The drug is collected between summer and autumn when ripe, and dried in the sun or at a low temperature.

 Western medical Back to Top
The herb is indicated in the treatment of dyspepsia, dysentery, gastritis, ulcer and mastitis.

 Eastern medical Back to Top
  • Pattern: Transforms Damp, moves qi, warms the Center, stops diarrhea, calms fetus.
  • Properties: Acrid, warm.
  • Channels entered: Spleen, Stomach and Kidney.
 Chemical constituents Back to Top
The herb contains volatile oil, mainly borneol, bornyl acetate, dextro camphor, linalool and nerolidol etc..

 Pharmacological actions Back to Top
Effects on digestive system

0.25~0.75% water decoction of yang chun sha had exciting effect on isolated intestinal canal. Its 1~1.25% water docction and saturated water solution of volatile oil showed inhibitory effect.

sha ren could promote the function of stomach, and the secretions of gastric juice.

Effects on nervous system

1:25000 camphor could completely relieve the spasm of isolated rabbit intestinal canal caused by carbacholine (1:6000000). Camphor had exciting effect on central nervous system.

Effects on respiratory system

Saponin could induce the secretions of bronchial mucosa. Oral administration had expetorant effect. Linalool had anti-tussive and expectorant effects. Camphor could be applied in circulatory and respiratory failure.

Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antisepsis effect

Camphor had mild antisepsis effect. Linalool had quite strong bacteria killing effect, and had inhibitory effect on streptococcus B.

 Clinical Studies Back to Top
Gastritis and ulcer

sha ren and chen xiang of equal amount were encapsulated, 0.3g each capsule, 4 capsules, bid to tid. 10 days as a course of treatment. Among 82 treated cases of acute gastritis 52 were cured, 24 improved, and 6 ineffective. In 295 cases of chronic superficial gastritis, 176 were cured, 93 improved, and 26 ineffective. In 204 cases of gastric ulcer, 133 were cured, 55 improved and 16 ineffective.


sha ren 10~20g was grounded into fine powder. Mix the powder with some cooked sticky rice and make the mixture into pills of the size of peanut seed, which was used to stuff the nose, one side each time,change the side every 12 days. 50 cases were treated, and 40 effective. The average treating time was 6 days.

 References Back to Top

Except those noted, all references come from Weng Weiliang, et al., Clinical Chinese materia medica, Henan Science & Technology Press, 1998