86 cases of intractable headache were treated with modified Dang Gui Si Ni Tang. Prescription: dang gui 15g, xi xin 3g, tong cao 6g, wu zhu yu 5g, gui zhi 10g, bai shao 12g, zhi gan cao 10g, da zao 10g, sheng jiang 12g. 1 dose every day during the period from the onset to the remission of headache. The doses of the above ingredients could be doubled and made into pill, 10g per pill, and was taken bid or tid to consolidate the curative effect. If the headache broke out repeatedly, use the decoction again. Results: 31 cases were cured, 29 markedly effective, 5 ineffective, the total effective rate was 94.3%.

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 52 cases of postpartum pain in the limbs and body. 35 cases of them took the examinations of blood sedimentation rate and blood WBC, etc., and the values were in the normal range. Basic formula: dang gui, gui zhi, xi xin, tong cao, chao bai shao, da zao, gan cao, huang qi, sang zhi. Variations: with pain in the waist, add sang ji sheng, xu duan, with pain in the neck and nape, add ge gen, with headache, add jie sui, fang feng; with pain in the heel, add du zhong. 1 dose every day, taken in two times, 20 days as a course of treatment. Results: 28 cases were cured (all symptoms disappeared after less than 20 doses), 24 effective (symptoms were alleviated after 20 doses were taken).

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang with da huang was used to treat 108 cases of intestinal adhesion after appendectomy, cholecystectomy or hysterectomy. After the above drugs being decocted with 800ml water, the decoction should be 300ml. 50ml every time, 5~6 times every day, 5 days as a course of treatment. After abdominal pain was checked, the decoction could be administered for 2~3 courses to consolidate the curative effect. Results: 63 cases was controlled completely (abdominal pain and other symptoms disappeared after 1 course, no recurrence during the first 3 month after quitting the drug), 41 controlled basically (abdominal pain and other symptoms were improved markedly, but would relapse after quitting the drug. All symptoms would still be controlled when being treated again), 4 ineffective. The total effective rate was 96.3%.

Modified Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 20 cases of sciatica. The treating course varied from 6 to 20 days. Prescription: dang gui, niu teng 15g each; bai shao, wei ling xian, ji xue teng 30g each; gui zhi, zhi er wu, ru xiang, mo yao, gan cao 10g each; xi xin 3g. With intense pain, add tian qi powder 6g (taken with water). Results: 18 cases were clinically cured (symptoms disappeared, no recurrence during more than one year), 2 markedly improved.

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 15 cases of thromboangitis obiterans. Among the cases, 13 were caused by working in cold and damp environment for long time, 1 had the history of cold stimulant. The courses of disease ranged from 3 months to 3 years. Prescription: dang gui 15~20g, gui zhi 8~12g, mu tong 6g, bai shao 10~20g, xi xin 3~6g, sheng gan cao 6g, chuan niu xi 10g, dan shen 15g, chi shao 12g, sheng haung qi 12~30g. Modifications can be made according to the symptoms and signs. Results: 13 cases were clinically cured, 1 improved markedly, 1 improved.

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 76 cases of chronic pelvic inflammation. 63 cases of them were diagnosed as endometritis, 3 salpiongo-oophoritis, 10 pelvic cellulites. Blood routine examination: WBC 12.0~10.0×109/L, neutrophilic granulocyte around 80%. Prescription: dang gui, mu tong 12g each; bai shao 18g, gui zhi 9g, xi xin 3g, gan cao 6g, bi xie 15g, pu gong ying 30g, yin hua 24g, da zao 3. Variations: with intense abdominal pain, add yan hu suo, chuan lian zi, with haemoid pus-like leukorrhea, add di yu, guan zhong; with enclosed mass, add pao shan jia, shui zhi, etc.. 1 dose every day, 10 days as a course of treatment, no other anti-inflammatory agents were administered. Results: 52 cases were cured, 20 improved, the total effective rate was 94.7%. The time of the treatment taking effect ranged from 10 to 30 days. Generally, the pain in the lower abdomen disappeared basically or improved after 7 doses.

10 cases of pelvic endometriosis were treated with supplemented Dang Gui Si Ni Tang. 7 cases of them had been treated with norethynodrel or other drugs, but didn’t got good therapeutic effect. The diagnoses of all patients were confirmed by ultrasonic examination of brightness mode. Prescription: dang gui 10g, chuan xiong 10g, e zhu 15g, yi mu cao 30g, gui zhi 15g, wu zhu yu 3g, chi shao 15g, xi xin 3g, pu huang 30g. With qideficiency, add huang qi, dang shen, 30g each; during the menstrual period, reduce the doses of dang gui, chuan xiong and pu huang. All the herbs were soaked in 600ml water for 30 minutes. Extract 200ml juice from the decoction after being decocted 30 minutes. After being decocted 3 times, 600ml juice were obtained and then it were taken warm in three times. 1 dose every day, 15 days in succession as a course of treatment. Results: 2 cases were cured after 36 courses; 4 markedly effective after 4 courses, 2 cases effective after 2 courses, 2 ineffective.

Modified Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 12 cases of multiple peripheral neuritis. 6 cases of them were affected in the upper limbs, 2 in both the upper and lower limbs. Prescription: dang gui, bai shao, da zao, mu tong, 15g each; gui zhi, xi xin 10g each; zhi gan cao 5g. With intense pain in the affected limb, add ji xue teng 30g, zhi chuan wu, zhi cao wu 10g each; with severe numbness, add wu gong 2, quan xie 6g, huang qi 20g. All herbs were decocted with 200ml water till the decoction was concentrated to 100ml. 1 dose every day, taken in two times. For patients of long course of disease, dregs of the decoction could be decocted with water again to warm wash the affected parts. Results: 9 cases were cured, 3 improved. The time of the treatment taking effect ranged from 6 to 25 days, averagely 11 days.

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang was used to treat 48 cases of amenorrhea. After pelvic pneumography examination and ultrasonic examination of brightness mode, 4 of the patients were diagnosed as polycystic ovary, others secondary amenorrhea. Prescription: dang gui 15g, gui zhi 10g, shao yao 12g, xi xin 1.5g, gan cao 6g, tong cao 10g, da zao 5, xian ling pi 24g, zhi huang qi 30g. With qi stagnation and Blood stasis, add chai hu 10g, niu xi 15g, dan shen 30g; for patients of fat build and with Phlegm and Dampness, ad cang zhu 15g, xiang fu 30g; with poor appetite, add shan zha 15g; with abdominal pain, add yan hu suo 15g, xiang fu 24g; with copious leukorrhea, add che qian zi 24g. 1 dose every day, taken in two times of the morning and evening. 10 days as a course of treatment, take the medicine for 2~3 courses in succession. Results: except for 1 ineffective cases, the time for menstruation ranged from 5 to 30 days.