Sang Ju Yin was used to treat 375 cases of upper respiratory tract infection with cough, fever, thick phlegm and dry mouth as the main clinical manifestations. 359 cases were cured, the curative rate was 95.5%.

Modified Sang Ju Yin was used to treat 14 cases of acute conjunctivitis. Results: 13 cases were cured, 1 improved. Generally, symptoms disappeared after 1~2 doses.

Sang Ju Yin was used to treat 60 cases of infantile nosebleed. Among the patients, 36 cases were male and 24 female; the age ranged from 2~13 years; courses of disease ranged from 2 days to 6 years; 6 cases were initial onset, 54 cases were recurrent onset. Results: despite different courses of diseases, all patients’ nosebleed stopped after 2~7 days, no recurrence was reported during the following half year.
––Shen Jincheng. Modified Sang Ju Yin treating 60 cases of infantile nosebleed. Clinical experiences (Lin Chuang Jing Yan), 1999, 31(1)

46 eyes of herpes simplex keratitis in 42 cases were treated with the formula mainly consisting of Sang Ju Yin. Prescription: sang ye, ju hua, 12g each; zhu ye, lian qiao, lu gen, 9g each; bo he, xing ren, jie geng, chan yi, 6g each. Variations: for red and swollen eyelids and photophobia in initial stage, add huang qin 9g, mu zei cao 9g; for prolonged and recurrent illness, add dang gui 12g, gang feng 6g. Anti-viral eyedrops could also be applied. Results: after 15 days’ administration, 28 out of 46 eyes were cured; 14 improved, 4 ineffective.
––Wei Xinji, et al. Treating 42 cases of herpes simplex keratitis with Modified Sang Ju Yin. Sichuang TCM (Sichuan Zhong Yi), 1999,17(4)