Qi Xue Liang Fan Fang was used to treat patients in early stage of acute SLE or recurrent SLE. Prescription: sheng di, sheng shi gao, bai mao gen, 30g each; bai shao 12g; zhi mu, xuan shen, jing mi, 9g each; gan cao 6g, sheng ma 3g. In severe cases, add guang jia, or shui niu jiao 1g. In 217 cases, 20 cases were ineffective (14 dead), others were effective.

Liang Xue Xiao Feng San: sheng di, sheng shi gao, 30g each; chi shao, dan pi, dang gui, jing jie, zhi mu, ku shen, 10g each; bai ji li 15g; chan tui, gan cao, 5g each. 1 dose every day, alcohol and food of pungent, spicy and dry nature were forbidden during the treatment. 33 cases of erythema multiforme of Wind-Heat type were treated by this formula, 25 cases were clinically cured, 8 markedly effective.