Modified Tuo Li Xiao Du San was used to treat 19 cass of keratitis, among which 2 were bacterial karetitis, 17 viral karetitis, and most of the patiens had been treated with western medicine, but the ulcer didn’t heal up. Results: 18 cases were cured, and the courses of treatment ranged from 16 to 45 days.

23 patients with skin and external diseases (including 12 cases of carbuncle, 3 erysipelas and 8 multiple abscess) were treated with food, internal and external treatments. Tuo Li Xiao Du Yin was used in the ulcerous and recovery stage. Results: all were cured.
––Luo Kunhua, et al. Nursing experiences of food of patients with skin and external diseases. China’s naturopathy (Zhong Guo Min Jian Liao Fa), 1999, 7(11)