Shan Zhu Yu - Cornus officinalis

Professional Data
 Pin Yin
Shan Zhu Yu
Fructus Corni
 Introduction Back to Top
Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit is the dried ripe sarcocarp of Cornus office Sieb. et Zucc. (Fam. Cornaceae). The fruit is collected in later autumn and early winter when the pericarp turns red, baked over a soft fire or treated with boiling water for a moment, removed from kern in time and dried.

 Western medical Back to Top
This herb is indicated in the treatment of diabetes, lumbago, impotence, enuresis, infertility, vertigo, spermatorrhea, functional uterine bleeding, etc..

 Eastern medical Back to Top
  • Pattern: Sour, slightly warm.
  • Properties: Tonifies the Liver and the Kidney, astringes Essence, urine and sweating, stops bleeding.
  • Channels entered: Liver, Kidney.
 Chemical constituents Back to Top
The main chemical constituents of Fructus Corni include gallic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, cornin, vitamin A, etc..

 Pharmacological actions Back to Top
Effects on immunity

Experiments with mice showed that shan zhu yu could obviously promote the number increasing of antigen combining cells, obviously inhibit the delayed allergic reaction induced by sheep red cells in mice. shan zhu yu can also lower the spleen index and thymus gland index, and have quite strong inhibitory effect on the auto oxidation of vegetable oil as well.

Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, a prepared TCM product containing shan zhu yu, can improve the non-specific immunity and humeral immunity, and promote the pre-generation of antibodies.

Antibacterial effect

Decoction of shan zhu yu can in vitro inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus, but it shows no effect on bacillus coli. It can inhibit shigas bacillus.

Diuretic effect and function of lowering blood pressure

Liquid extract of shan zhu yu has diuretic effect on anesthetized dog and can also lower blood pressure.

Other functions

Kill mice ascites carcinoma cell in vitro; elevate decreased WBC count caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy; weakly excite parasympathetic nerves.

 Clinical Studies Back to Top
Chronic pharyngitis

Yang Yin Jiang Huo Tang (experiential formula): shu di 30g; shan zhu yu, wu wei zi, dan pi, bai jiang can, chuan niu xi, 10g each. Modify the formula according to TCM differentiation, 1 dose every day. Other treating methods were also applied. 15 days as a course of treatment, 32 patients were treated, and 31 were effective.


shan yu rou, wu wei zi, dan shen, 30g each; huang qi, 40g. Modify the formula according to TCM differentiation, 1 dose every day, 1 month as a course of treatment. 300 cases were treated, and the effective rate was 85%.

Albuminuria due to nephropathy

Yi Shen Li Shui Huo Xue Fang: shan yu rou, ze xie, dan pi, sang bai pi, 10g each; shan yao, sheng di, huai niu xi, chi shao, 15g each; che qian zi 10g; dan shen 30g; da huang 3~6g. Modify the formula according to TCM differentiation. 1 dose every day. 153 cases were treated, after 6~30 doses, 148 cases' albuminuria turned negative.


Zi Yin Bu Shen ang (experiential formula): shan yu rou 30g, shan yao, gou qi, huai niu xi, shu di, 15g each; gui ban, e jiao, 6g each; tu si zi 20g, bai zhu, sha ren and chen pi etc. were also added. 1 dose every day, water decoction. After 2~7 days' treatment, 25 were effective, 1 ineffective. This formula was fit for leucopenia caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the treatment of tumor.

Prostatic hyperplasia

Tong Qian Tang (experiential formula): shu di, shan zhu yu, 12g each; rou gui, bai zhu, chuan shan jia, dang gui, niu xi, hai zao, kun bu, wang bu liu xing, 10g each; fu ling 20g; ze xie 15g. Modify the formula according to TCM differentiation. 1 dose every day, water decoction. After 30~60 days' treatment, 48 out of 52 cases were effective.

Stroke in the convalescent stage

sheng di, nu zhen zi, shan zhu yu, niu xi, chuan xiong, hong hua, dang gui, di long, 10g each; shan zha, 15g; sang ji sheng, ji xue teng, 20g each. Modify the formula according to TCM differentiation. 161 cases were treated, except for 8 ineffective cases, certain effects were obtained.

 References Back to Top

Except those noted, all references come from Weng Weiliang, et al., Clinical Chinese materia medica, Henan Science & Technology Press, 1998