Chuan Bei Mu/Zhi Mu


Fritillaria cirrhosa & anemarrhena aspheloides



Chuan Bei Mu

bitter, sweet,  slightly cold

transforms Phlegm, relieves cough, dissolves swelling, disperses lumps
Zhi Mu bitter, sweet, cold clears Heat, purges Fire, clears and discharges the Lung and Stomach, removes hectic fever due to yin deficiency


*  Cough, fever, scanty and sticky sputum due to yin deficiency and hyperactivity of deficiency Fire.

Combined action
Clears Heat, nourishes yin, moistens the Lung, relieves cough.

*  With low fever, add Bai Wei/Di Gu Pi.
*  For scanty and sticky sputum, add Zhi Mu/Tian Hua Fen/Sha Shen.
*  With qi and yin deficiency, combine with Sheng Mai San.
The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
None noted.