Si Jun Zi Tang


 ‘Four Noble Ingredients Decoction’
Source: Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang, 1080)

digestive weakness, immune weakness

Panax ginseng (Ren Shen, ginseng)
Poria cocos (Fu Ling, hoelen)
Atractylodes macrocephala (Bai Zhu atractylodes)
Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Gan Cao, liquorice)

Major therapeutic action
Tonifies energy.

Biomedical action
Enhances and regulates digestive functions, tonic to the digestive system, strengthens immunity and resistance, enhances recovery after illness or surgery, mucolytic, stomachic, antiemetic

*  This is the basic formula for all energy deficiency patterns, and the base unit from which all other energy tonic formulas are built. Extensively used for chronic digestive and energy weakness, chronic indigestion, and chronic mucus problems.
*  This is an excellent formula for children with digestive weakness, poor appetite and listlessness, and for children prone to mucus who suffer from recurrent sinus, allergies, sore throats and/or ear infections.
*  With the appropriate key symptoms, this formula can be used to treat other biomedical conditions such as chronic peptic ulcers, colitis, chronic gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome of a weak type, chronic diarrhoea, post gastric surgery debility, morning sickness, poor appetite, flatulence, heartburn, malabsorption syndrome, ‘candida’, leaky gut syndrome, chronic bronchitis.

Key symptoms for use
*  abdominal and epigastric bloating, especially after eating
*  nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite
*  flatulence
*  pale tongue with a thickish white coat
*  weak pulse

*  With phlegm congestion, add Chen Pi & Ban Xia (Liu Jun Zi Tang).
*  With abdominal bloating or reflux, add Chen Pi & Ban Xia & Xiang Fu & Sha Ren (Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang).
*  For weak children prone to frequent colds, combine with Yu Ping Feng San.
*  For glue ear in children, add Cang Zhu/Zao Jiao Ci/Bai Zhi.
*  With chronic diarrhoea, add Shan Yao/Ge Gen/Mu Xiang.
*  With Helicobacter pylori infection, add a small dose of Huang Lian Jie Du Tang or Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin.
*  With Si Wu Tang to create the most famous energy and blood tonic Ba Zhen Tang for generalised weakness and fatigue, insufficient lactation and postpartum weakness.
The typical dose is three grams twice daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment (the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
Caution in patients with signs of dryness or heat. 
Avoid concurrent use with stimulants like coffee,  chilli and cola drinks. Also worth avoiding are the following foods — sugar, dairy, uncooked food.
None noted.

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang:  Tonifies energy and warms. A powerful energy tonic to raise prolapse and powerfully strengthen immune system.
Gui Pi Tang:  Tonifies energy and blood. Prevents extravasation of blood causing haematomas and unusual bleeding (such as epistaxis). Calms the mind to treat insomnia and emotional disturbances.