Ye Jiao Teng/He Huan Pi


Polygonatum multiflorum & Albizzia julibrissin



Ye Jiao Teng sweet, bitter nourishes the Heart and calms the shen, promotes circulation of qi and Blood through the channels

He Huan Pi

sweet, neutral calms the shen, moves Liver qi, invigorates the Blood

Major therapeutic action
Calms the mind, moves energy, alleviates depression, invigorates circulation in the extremities.

Long Gu & Mu Li: Strong mineral mind calming pair that act by ‘weighing down’ an agitated mind, or by
restraining symptoms in the head.

o  A gentle couple for nourishing and calming the mind in deficient patients.
o  Depression.
o  Numbness and poor circulation in the extremities.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
Not during pregnancy.

o  With Gui Pi Tang for anxiety and depression from clinical or subclinical anaemia.
o  With Xiao Yao San for depression with symptoms of distension in the hypochondrium and sighing.
o  With Si Ni San for depression and poor peripheral circulation with symptoms of distension in the hypochondrium and sighing.
o  With Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang for chronic depression, migraine headaches or circulatory disorders.
|The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 6:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 75- 90 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is three grams twice daily.