Gui Zhi Tang


‘Cassia Twig Decoction’
Source: Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold (Shāng Hán Lùn, 200CE)

cold, influenza, rubella, eczema, allergic dermatitis

Cinnamomum cassia (Gui Zhi, cinnamon twigs)
Paeonia sinjiangensis (Shao Yao, peony)
Glycyrrhiza ura lensis (Gan Cao, liquorice)
Zingiber officinalis (Sheng Jiang, ginger)
Zizyphus jujuba (Da Zao, Chinese date)

Major therapeutic action
Relieves the Muscles and Skin, regulates and harmonises ying and wei.

Biomedical action
Antifebrile, diaphoretic
o Exterior deficiency syndrome with fever, headache, sweating and aversion to wind.
o  With the appropriate key symptoms, this formula can be used to treat biomedical conditions such as cold, influenza, rubella, eczema, allergic dermatitis and postpartum problems, etc.

Key symptoms for use
o fever
o spontaneous sweating
o aversion to wind
o headache
o thin and whitish tongue fur
o floating and moderate pulse

o With abdominal fullness or constipation, combine with Da Huang.
o With stiff neck and back, add Ge Gen.
o For weak constitution with frequent cold, combine with Yu Ping Feng San.
o For postpartum problems with stagnated Blood, combine with Pǔ Huang/Wu Ling Zhi.

The typical dose is three grams twice daily, before meals. In severe cases or the early stages of treatment (the first two weeks), a 50-100% increase in dose may be used, and then reduced as the treatment takes effect.

Cautions and contraindications
Not suitable for fever with thirst, irritability and rapid pulse.
None noted.