Rou Cong Rong/Suo Yang


Cistanche salsa & Cynomorium songaricum



Rou Cong Rong

sweet, salty, warm tonifies Kidney yang, warms the womb, 
transforms and promotes peristalsis, opens the bowels

Suo Yang

sweet, warm tonifies Kidney yang, nourishes the Blood,  benefits the Essence, moistens dry Intestines

Major therapeutic action
This pair is unique in the heat-tonifying category in that these are the only herbs to have a laxative effect.
Deficiency of Heat patterns usually causes diarrhoea as the transforming power of these organ systems is weakened. In some cases, however, weakness of heat movement leads to the opposite – a lack of movement through the Intestines and constipation.

The typical proportion when added to a constitutional formula is 3 or 4:1 formula to addition (15 grams in 45-60 grams of formula). If a stronger effect is desired more can be added. When used alone the dose is 5-10 grams twice daily.

o  Constipation due to deficiency of heat in the body.
o  Can also be used for general lack of heat in the body with symptoms of infertility and sperm disorders (low sperm count and motility), impotence, lower backache, weakness and cold in the lower limbs.

Cautions and contraindications
None noted.
Contraindicated in dryness patterns, and in patients with diarrhoea.

o  Chronic constipation in the elderly, with Si Wu Tang.